Saturday, November 17, 2012

End of the Semester Fun!

Two weeks left of class!
Four weeks until I'm back in the Dash!
But until then....

I will be crushed underneath these presentations and papers!

I've never killed so many trees with copies, scans, and print outs...

And I've never been more frustrated with a paper in my life... Art Theory is just as exciting as it sounds!

I know you are so curious about what I'm working on.. so here is the breakdown in three pictures:

First, write a literary review on three methodologies in analyzing John Everett Millais and his paintings of women!

Second, compare and contrast of the US indirect and UK direct funding systems of the arts!

Lastly, how do we portray non-western cultures to children? Sacrifice, slavery, colonialism, war, and all the other heavy stuff that comes along with Western world perceptions of the Non-Western world..
Can a 7 year old really handle this stuff?

Three presentations and 9,000 words later.. I will be the smartest I've ever been in my life. (I hope?)
Learning is fun! But researching theories, museum practices, funding methods, and writing papers??
Not so much.
Sooooo instead of doing my work, reading my books, and writing my abstracts.. I've been writing this blog post and looking for funny pictures online. Procrastination at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

Cheers y'all, Lisa


  1. Cute Blog...but apparently when I talked with you earlier and you said that you had been "working" since 10 and it was 3 and you had nothing to show for it, you really did...this wonderful blog. Keep up the good work! You'll be home eating biscuits, saying "all Y'all" and blessing hearts before you know it! xoxo

  2. The comparison of indirect/direct arts funding really does sound interesting. just sayin'.
